Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"O" Yah

They won't all be as long and rambling as yesterday's post.  Sometimes, I'll just get to the point.

Sephora also "suggests" products you might like while shopping online.  Who am I to question Sephora?  One suggestion I couldn't commit to (no clue why) was the Smashbox O-Gloss ($22).  I thought it sounded cool and it had stellar reviews.  Why this wasn't enough for me, no idea. 

THEN, conveniently, I became stranded in Des Moines a couple months ago.  At Sephora.  For three hours.  In line, I see the O Gloss in a small size for $10.  I ask the girls about it.  They are like, OMG, you HAVE TO GET IT. 

Literally, take my (aka "their") advice.  YOU HAVE TO GET IT.  It's the most perfectest shade of pink.  If I could marry it, I would.

Do I leave the house without this?  Why, I don't.

Peace, love, joy, etc~
Ann :)

1 comment:

  1. I just got the Waterproof eyeliner!!
