Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Woo woo!!

"I hear that whistle blowin', it's comin' 'round the bend...  and I ain't seen the sunshine since I DON'T KNOW WHEN!"  -Johnny Cash

I'm currently in what my friend Nicole and I refer to as a Post-Nashville Depression (PND)!  Yes, it's true...we finally made it back to the promise land for a ROCKIN' girls trip with these other lovely chicas:  Gretchen, Molly and Cheryl!  Sooo much fun...omggggg...hence the "Wait...I'm back in Iowa and the windchill is -18??  Really?  And oh by the way, I miss Nashville so much I could cry right now...!" type of depression.  This is heavy stuff.  Nicole and I have suffered from PND a few other times in the past so a least this time we were expecting it instead of being blindsided like we were about nine years ago.

Anyway!!  In the weeks leading up to our pilgrimage, I was on the SHOP.  Ya know, because you really need the perfect outfits to hang out in honky tonks with a bunch of random strangers you don't know!  I am serious...  INCLUDING (but not limited to) some FABULOUS new boots that I am oh-so-I.L. with!

I.L. doesn't even begin to describe my love for them!  Love love la-la-la-love love love!!  They are AAAADORABLE with regular jeans and with skinny jeans.  Honestly, I am the bootcut queen (haha...I will never give them up), so I have to make sure everything looks good with bootcuts, too.  

OMG this color is adorable.  Worried about them being too tall?  No worries...I am the height of a 4th grader and they are perfect on me!  :)  :)  AND, I did recently confirm with my friend Craig that skinny jeans are staying around for awhile.  :)  

I will be back soon!!  :)  :)  

Happy Wednesday Night, Y'all!!!  

Much love!!  xoxo!!!

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