Must Not Have #1: Mary Kay, Avon, etc
In general, I don’t like beauty products sold in any type of bootleg/catalogish/secret clubish manner. I’ll buy online from Sephora all day long but not from Avon or MK. It’s possible I will change my mind about this in retirement and become a Mary Kay rep with a Pink Cadillac, rollin’ down the street…hmmm...yes, yes, I I have to wear it, too?

When I was in junior high, my awesome dad used to let me order from Avon books that his neighbor would drop off to his house. I remembered this last night as I was trying to figure out what contributed to my high maintenance-ness. My dad rocked it, so he just kind of bought the stuff without questioning it. With Avon, you can get a huge paper lunch sack FULL of makeup for like $16. In general, this is not a good plan, unless you are in junior high or well into retirement.
Sorry to anyone who loves Avon or MK :) If you love it, love on, girl! :) But in general, there are A LOT better things out there (but not mineral makeup or Dior Show - see below)
Must Not Have #2: "Mineral Makeup"
In general, I DO NOT LIKE Bare Escentuals or any copycat brands/minerally types of makeup stuffs. Ew! If you must use mineral, I would use the Bare Escentuals brand. *sigh* My hate sort of stems from having this brand applied for my wedding and I HATED it. So much for my idea of being pampered that day! I just don’t like (whatsoever) all that loosey goosey powdery stuff (using OR wearing it). It’s super messy and the pressed normal stuff is just better (times 1,000), IMO. Also, I prefer liquid foundation (applying AND the look of it) wayyyy over ten million little circles of caked on powderiness. Ew. Therefore, I’m keeping it real and boycotting all loose powder products (this “blanket statement” excludes Laura Mercier Gold Digger ($32), which rocks it to the max). Now, I do love the one lipstick and gloss I have from Bare Escentuals but the love ends there!

Must Not Have #3: Dior Dior Show Mascara
One of my life’s MAJJJJORRRRR disappointments. We’re talking wretched. I was SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for that stuff I couldn’t stand it. I mean, anything from Dior should far exceed expectations. It got awesome reviews on the Sephora Best of 2007 and 2008 lists.

Everyone else jocks it hardcore but me…and I’m a mascara FREAK. It’s too clumpy for me and I love clumps. But these clumps don’t smooth out (wtf?). Plus it seems to flake off, which I’ve never had a mascara do this. AND to top it all off, it washes off in chunks. Yikes. Yeah…I NEVER use it. TONS of ppl love it though, so I encourage you to give it a whirl if you have $ to throw away…$24, specifically. Is it possible I had a bad batch? Yeah. Am I traumatized for life because of this huge letdown? Possibly.
Until next time, "I love you for your pink Cadillac, Crushed velvet seats, Riding in the back, Oozing down the street, Waving to the girls, Feeling out of sight, Spending all my money on a Saturday night..."
Hey Ann! Love the new blog! I am kind of a recovering product whore (mostly fragrances, but I've pretty much cut myself off cold turkey I really shouldn't even be reading this. It could suck me back in...
ReplyDeleteThat being said...
I totally agree on Mary Kay. I worked out with a Mary Kay rep who was always wanting to do a makeover on me. So I let her and I seriously looked like a 50-year old ex-Vegas prostitute when she was done. Not a good look. But because I'm a sucker I bought some of her stuff and hated all of it.
I disagree on Diorshow though. It is my favorite mascara. Based on all the Makeup alley positive reviews I thought there was no way it could live up to expectations, but it totally did for me. (I also got it in a package with Dior lipstick from Sephora so it was slightly less obscenely expensive) I do kind of have a bad taste in my mouth in general about Dior though...when I was in Paris, I bought a Dior pressed powder compact in the makeup shop at the airport. It broke within a month. Seriously, I have old junior high era Maybelline compacts all over my house and the one I actually spend money on breaks immediately?
Sorry for the long comment. LIke I said, I totally shouldn't even be reading this. I do not need to get reobsessed.
Haha! OMG, I love it! I did not know you were in recovery! lol!
ReplyDeleteRe: the pink stuff: I have one friend who sells and it totally sweet about it. In fact, I never knew she sold it for like three years so I had to think back to all the times I trash-talked it in her presence and felt bad b/c her makeup always looks awesome. Another friend has her sights set on a pink caddy and I avoid her at all costs. I said I adore the Golden Girls but not tryin' to look like Rose (yet).
Alright, it's official. I must have gotten a BAD BATCH of Diorshow! Kind of like when sometimes I buy a Diet Mt. Dew and it tastes like the smell of band-aids?? Ya think!?
I will post a poll and see if people think I should retry it again. First I have to ask Courtnee and Bree how to do this...
Sephora, here I come (again) (soon).
Much love,
P.S. Maybe I will see you Sunday!
P.P.S. "Word!" on the jr. high Maybelline compacts. Those things last through anything! LOL!